Business as Usual For $AAPL

Business as Usual For $AAPL


June 2024


Alex Cole

$AAPL has soared to new highs in its latest “Go” trend.

Over the last few days, $AAPL has seen incredible gains from the announcement of its upcoming AI features. While the two day move has been quite something, let’s look at a very long term chart to keep it in perspective.  The monthly chart of $AAPL we are looking at here shows that this most recent move appears to be nothing more than business as usual for the tech giant. (We are of course, using a semi log scale chart).  We have hit new all time highs in what is just the latest move higher in an incredible “Go” trend. We have seen a return to strong blue “Go” bars over the last two bars.  We are a long way from the close of this monthly bar, but if we can consolidate at these levels then we will likely see support at the prior high going forward.  It is fascinating to see this on the chart, each time a new high is made, support is found at the prior high.  This will be something to watch.

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